I Think I'd Like This One
Sidney Harris
New Yorker November 28 1953
Ilonka Karasz
Pick Your Own Rocks
Michael Maslin
New Yorker October 16 1954
Mary Petty
An Algorithm Matched Us As Soul Mates
Tom Toro
New Yorker May 18th, 2009
David Sipress
So What's It Going To Be? The Same Size As Last
Frank Modell
New Yorker December 10, 1973
Warren Miller
The Pointer of Death
David Sipress
Isn't That Paul Cezanne?
Robert Weber
It's Only The Ericksons
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker June 17th, 1974
Charles E. Martin
New Yorker February 9th, 1929
Alfred Frueh
New Yorker August 30th, 1941
John Groth
New Yorker November 3 1956
Leonard Dove
On the Bright Side
Pat Achilles
Just One Article
Adam Douglas Thompson
UnAmerican Cheese
Roz Chast
You Already Know Who Did it
Peter Kuper
I've Been Selected To Pay Another Electricity
Peter C. Vey
The Machine Then Selects The Likely Equations
Chon Day
Good News! We've Been Selected As A Potential
Dana Fradon
A Waiter Shows A Bottle Of Wine To Two Dinner
David Sipress
A Woman Doing Laundry With A Spaceman Coming
Tom Cheney
Trying to Decide
Dan Misdea
Natural Aisle Product Name Generator
Roz Chast
St. Peter Stands At Heaven's Gates
Peter C. Vey
Sitting in a booth
Barbara Smaller
Fathers-in-Law Picks From The Catalog
Barry Blitt
May I Ask
William Hamilton
8:28: Charles Stood Up And Strode #828
W.B. Park
Madam Looks Better in the Palm Trees
Helen E Hokinson
And That's How We Decide The Final Wild Card
David Sipress
Umbrellas It's O.K. To Lose
Liana Finck
Terms And Conditions
Matthew Reuter
Pool At The Spa Palazzo
Dan Forer
Pick Something Wordless
Amy Hwang
Choose Wisely
Ellis Rosen
New Yorker October 2, 2023
Seth Fleishman