Mother's Day #1
Chris Ware
New Yorker March 30th, 1963
Abe Birnbaum
New Yorker June 26, 1943
Rea Irvin
New Yorker October 12th, 1998
Jean-Jacques Sempe
Urban Jungle
Eric Drooker
The Library Roaring Into the Future
Eric Drooker
New Yorker May 9th, 1970
Charles E Martin
New Yorker February 1 1936
Roger Duvoisin
New Yorker January 5th, 1963
James Stevenson
Doc Savage The Time Terror
Conde Nast
Its a Jungle Out There
Harry Bliss
New Yorker August 31 1940
Ilonka Karasz
New Yorker February 10 1945
Roger Duvoisin
New Yorker December 16, 1944
Daniel Brustlein
Sometimes Bobby, Jr., Gets the Bear
Barry Blitt