Hammer and Nails
Charlie Hankin
New Yorker August 27th, 1960
Anatol Kovarsky
Stop Worrying and Start Hammering
Edward Steed
Take My Advice #1
Charles Barsotti
Higher Higher
Will McPhail
New Yorker January 6 1951
Leonard Dove
Still Life of Delman Chandelier Pump
Richard Rutledge
Come Now, Give The System A Chance
Charles Barsotti
I Love A Hearty Soup
Liana Finck
A Bailiff Addresses The Court
Michael Maslin
Ice Fly-fishing With Doug
Michael Crawford
This Wasn't Commissioned By The Emperor. This
Drew Dernavich
Vanity Fair Cover Featuring Ramsay Macdonald
Paolo Garretto
Building Tools Against Stairs
Rolf Tietgens
Whilst The Others Played
Glen Baxter
New York City Open Carry Weapons #1
Emily Flake
You Said You Had The Hammer
Kemp Starrett
TFG Shows Up Again for Hammer Time
Barry Blitt
Two Young Boys Sitting By A Wooden Table
Remie Lohse
Adam Douglas Thompson
Good Hammering Work
Avi Steinberg
Jack of all Trades
Amy Kurzweil
Jumbo Economy Size
Jack Ziegler
Vladimir Putin Hits Back
Barry Blitt
New Yorker September 4th, 2006
Ariel Molvig
Mary Sinclair With Tools
Constantin Joffe
A House And Garden Cover Of Children And An
Gjon Mili
New Yorker March 17th, 1997
Michael Maslin
New Yorker August 21st, 1995
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker December 6th, 1976
Lee Lorenz
New Yorker May 26th, 1956
Frank Modell
New Yorker February 14th, 1942
Alan Ferguson
No, No, Junior. Remember Papa's The Meal Ticket
Gardner Rea
New Yorker March 27th, 1943
Virgil F. Partch
New Yorker November 13th, 1943
Gardner Rea
I Must Have Absolute Silence
George Price
Stock-market Jitters
Peter Kuper
Once You Have a Collider
Adam Cooper and Mat Barton
Contractor Examining A Blueprint And Speaking
Robert Leighton
An Unshaven Man Says To Another Man At A Bar
Frank Cotham
Two Pigs Look At Another Pig With A Coin Slot
J.C. Duffy
In Case of Funky Emergency Break Glass
Benjamin Schwartz
An Exterminator With Jeweler's Glasses
David Borchart
She Took The House
George Booth
The Burger Hut Franchise Decides To Add Sesame
Jack Ziegler
Two Men Sit On A Desert Island. One Holds
Frank Cotham
Anne St. Marie Wearing Fredrica
Horst P. Horst
New Yorker May 31, 2021
Edward Steed
When He Runs Out Of Nails
Peter C Vey
Caveman Punch Up
Lars Kenseth