New Yorker May 30th, 1988
Jean-Jacques Sempe
Cupid Coupling
William Steig
New Yorker May 23rd, 1925
Julian de Miskey
Cupid's Volley
Peter de Seve
New Yorker July 17, 1937
Alice Harvey
New Yorker May 13th, 1961
Perry Barlow
There's No Point In Our Being Friends If
William Haefeli
Four Women Hold Cocktails And Are Similarly
Marisa Acocella Marchetto
Pinocchio Addresses The Wooden Mermaid
Zachary Kanin
I floss alone
Carolita Johnson
New Yorker April 26,1958
Arthur Getz
Two Girlfriends Stand Together At A Cupcake Shop
Barbara Smaller
Midweek Crisis
Brendan Loper
A Woman Speaks To A Gangster In A Suit And Hat
Michael Crawford
Two Women Drink Cocktails At A High Table
Corey Pandolph
Jane Says To Tarzan As They Ride An Elephant
Kim Warp
Two Men In Suits Riding In A Convertible
Michael Crawford
Are You Feeling All Right
Michael Crawford
I Said The National Endowment For The Arts
Lee Lorenz
Cette . . . And Cette . . . And Cette
Peter Arno
Do you have room in your bag for this
Carolita Johnson
New Yorker July 17th, 1926
SW Reynolds
Oh, And Your Ex Stopped By
Tom Cheney
New Yorker May 29, 1926
Stanley W Reynolds
Of Course, I'd Love To, Geoff. If Only That
Michael Crawford
It Has Been So Long
Mads Horwath
New Yorker December 5 1925
Max Ree
Blaming the Parents
Barbara Smaller
New Yorker July 22nd, 1967
Peter Arno
New Yorker August 27 1938
Rea Irvin
A Young Couple Lying On A Beach
Lusha Nelson
Don't Let This Weather Fool You
Emily Flake
Now Who Do I See About The Sweetheart In Every
Richard Decker
Whose Hair Did I Just Find?
Justin Sheen
A Sailor Breaks Up With His Naked Mermaid
Paul Noth
I'd Like To Advise You In This Matter
JB Handelsman
An Angry Giant Woman Picks A Man Up
Carolita Johnson
One Woman Speaks To Another Over Coffee
William Haefeli
How You Meet People
Helen E Hokinson
He has this wonderful passion for life
William Haefeli
Having Dinner With Your Parents
Zachary Kanin
Nothing is Wrong
Maggie Mull
An Easier Way To Find A Girlfriend
Liana Finck
Would you mind taking a picture of me with your girlfriend
Carolita Johnson
Running Clockwise
William Haefeli
Dinner With Dad
Jason Adam Katzenstein
Tonight We Fly
Warren Miller
The Professor Suggested That Everything That
Erik Hilgerdt
Perfectly Ravishing Lipstick
Peter Arno
New Yorker March 21st, 1942
Christina Malman
That Manipulative Little Psychopath
Emily Flake
Great Deal On A New Car
Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell
Lost In Thought
JB Handelsman
The Tin Man Introduces A Tin Woman
Roz Chast
A Sawed-in-half Magician's Assistant Scowls
Paul Noth
A Female Pilot And Her Boyfriend Sit
Paul Noth
Megan Frehling, will you please PLEASE just tell me what you want
Joe Dator
New Yorker September 14th, 2009
Roz Chast
I Broke Up With Another One. Do You Want
Peter C. Vey
Ted's Flamboyantly Straight
David Sipress
Two Women With Shopping Bags Walk
Bruce Eric Kaplan
Illustration Of A Couple Running Away
John Barbour
Illustration Of Couples Dancing
John Barbour
Your Wonderful Daughter And I Would Like
Edward Koren
I'd Love To Ask
Lee Lorenz
Ah, Spring - When A Young Skinhead's Fancy Turns
Michael Maslin
He Says We'll Get Married As Soon As Everything
William Hamilton