A Vintage Vogue Magazine Cover Of A Woman
Andre Marty
That Kind Of Restlessness
Anne Fizzard
Why, It's Daphne - Home From Foxcroft
Richard Taylor
I Sure Hope The Negotiations Go Well
Jason Patterson
When a cowboy wears it, it is a cowboy hat
Joe Dator
Didn't I See You On Youtube Riding A Roomba?
Shannon Wheeler
The Downside of Riding Off Into the Sunset
Joe Dator
A Couple On Horseback
Joe Dator
The Subway In LA
Sharon Levy
The Perfect Natural Filter
Matthew Reuter
I Said, 'get Off'!
William Steig
Coffee Break Over
Zachary Kanin
Little Red Riding Hood In Dallas -- A Grandma
Roz Chast
The Title Reads
Bruce Eric Kaplan
I Think You'll Find This Home Has Real Storybook
Edward Koren
It Does Come As Somewhat Of A Surprise
Michael Maslin
Somehow I Pictured My First Ride On A Flying
Lee Lorenz
Having Kids
William Haefeli
I'm Getting Too Old For A Broom
Joseph Farris
I Don't Know Why I Always Get One That's Hungry
Richard Decker
The Grail Is A Cup
Will Santino
What A Big Blind Spot For Institutionalized
Benjamin Schwartz
One Elephant Says To Another Elephant Who
Charlie Hankin
The Four Horsemen of Adulthood
Roz Chast
New Yorker July 24th, 1954
Saul Steinberg
Operation Warp Speed
Millie von Platen
New Yorker August 14th, 1995
Michael Crawford
The British Are Probably Coming
Jason Adam Katzenstein
Crazy Bastard Thinks He's Napoleon
Frank Cotham
'scraper Biking
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker September 30th, 1944
Alan Dunn
The British Are Leaving
Kim Warp
A Day Care Is Seen With Children Riding
John O'Brien
The Better To Ignore You With
Ellie Black
Go On Without Me
Carolita Johnson
Roscoe smelled some truffles
Zachary Kanin
A Cowboy In A Corral Rides A Human-sized Sea
Michael Maslin
Man In Art Gallery Speaks To Horse Jockey
Farley Katz
New Yorker September 15th, 1986
Warren Miller
As Adam Smith So Aptly Put It
Ed Fisher
William Steig
New Yorker August 22nd, 1942
George Price
I still fit into your grandmothers wedding dress
Zachary Kanin
Little Red Riding Hood Sits Crunching Numbers
Christopher Weyant
It Started as a Crusade
Brooke Bourgeois
Do We Have a Speaker Yet?
Jason Chatfield and Scott Dooley
Would You Rather Be Riding A Taxi?
JB Handelsman
Hey, Dinwiddie Twins! Remember Me? Drusilla
George Booth
Funding the Subway
Farley Katz
That Dream I Had Last Night
Richard Decker
Literary Renegades
Gluyas Williams
New Yorker September 25th, 1943
George Price
New Yorker May 15th, 1943
Garrett Price
They Can't Be Far
Julia Suits
What Are You In The Mood For?
Liana Finck
I Am His Stunt Man
JB Handelsman
I Am His Stunt Man #1
JB Handelsman
Impressive, Meyers, But Let's Stick
Paul Noth
Didn't Anybody Tell
Victoria Roberts
I Have My Pants Put On One Leg At A Time
Mike Twohy
Passage To Indiana
Jack Ziegler
Where's The Nearest Walnut Station?
Peter Mueller
New Yorker April 16th, 2007
Roz Chast
Post-lyme-tick Fairy Tales
Roz Chast
There's The Guy Who Deserves The Credit
Frank Cotham
A Scene From The Upcoming The Taking Of Pelham
Roz Chast
Death In The Afternoon
Bill Woodman
And All This Time I Didn't Think You'd Understand
Michael Maslin
New Yorker September 17th, 1990
James Stevenson
New Yorker July 9th, 1990
Anthony Taber
Then It's Been Moved And Seconded That We Send
Lee Lorenz