Sorry, But I'm Going To Have To Issue
Michael Maslin
A Sign For Produce In A Grocery Store Reads
Roz Chast
New Yorker October 10th, 2016
Victoria Roberts
You've Just Raided Your Last Patch!
Edward Koren
New Yorker November 16th, 1998
Donald Reilly
New Yorker May 8th, 1937
Alan Dunn
People Are Seen Walking Past A Produce Stand
W.B. Park
The Kids At School Were Fine - I Just Keep
Bruce Eric Kaplan
New Yorker September 27th, 1976
Arnie Levin
Groceries for the Unconfident
Roz Chast
Will He Ever Be Able To Produce Revenue Again?
Frank Cotham
New Yorker January 30th, 1943
Alfred Frueh
New Yorker June 7th, 1999
Peter C. Vey
I'm Headed For The Artificial Butters. You?
Victoria Roberts
It's Nbc. They Want To Know What It's Personally
Jack Ziegler
Kate! Is This Or Is This Not My Ex?
Edward Koren
Overshadowed By The Tonys
Broadway's Lesser Known
James Stevenson
Highlights From The Annual Central Park Country
Roz Chast
For Pete's Sake
Lee Lorenz
Asparagus and National Defense
Garrett Price
Gosh, I Didn't Know There Was That Much Money
Richard Taylor
New Yorker June 10th, 1944
Otto Soglow
New Yorker December 19th, 1942
Saul Steinberg
New Yorker June 6th, 1942
Perry Barlow
Oh, Good! Bananas Must Be On The Market Again
Mischa Richter
Let's Try This One Out. We'll Send Mac
Leonard Dove
New Yorker November 7th, 1942
Chon Day
New Yorker April 27th, 1940
Otto Soglow
But Don't You Remember
Helen E Hokinson
No, No, Mrs. Flang! This Is Where
Gardner Rea
New Yorker July 13th, 1940
Chon Day
My Favorite Things
Jeremy Nguyen
Breaking News
Emma Hunsinger
Organic Is Nice
JB Handelsman
The Locavores
John Klossner
What a Small World
Teresa Burns Parkhurst
In The Produce Section Of A Grocery Store
Emily Flake
Sadly, No Food Was Produced After They All Became
Benita Epstein
Which is the genetically modified corn
Joe Dator
On The Other Hand
Edward Sorel
Teepees And Pencil Sharpener
Charlie Hankin
Hansel And Gretel Approach A Witch's Gingerbread
Tom Cheney
At This Stage Of Your Life
William Haefeli
A Magician Points His Wand At A Beggar's Hat
David Sipress
A Daughter Talks To Her Mother As They Leave
Amy Hwang
Mom - Listen To How Much Atmospheric Pollution
Edward Koren
I Think Jules Is Reminding Nat That Each
Edward Koren
You Want The Gimmick? Here's The Gimmick. Kevin
Sidney Harris
It Says, 'during The Barcelona Period He Became
Richard Taylor