Movie Theater Attendant Selling Popcorn
Edward Steed
A Therapist's Office With A Concession Stand
Drew Dernavich
A Man Shouts Through The Entrance Doors That
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker July 5th, 1999
Edward Frascino
Popcorn-Loving Protagonist
Amy Hwang
Popcorn's Done
Jack Ziegler
No TV After Dinner
Zoe Si
The Law Of Supply And Demand
Robert J Day
My Schedule Just Opened Up
Ali Solomon
Should We All Go To The Movies?
Jared Nangle
Vince Wouldn't Give Her The Dark Gift
Emily S. Hopkins
The Reason I'm Singing The National Anthem
Jack Ziegler
Pirates sitting on sofa and watching television set
David M Galletly
It's Just College Basketball
Christopher Weyant
Barely Audible Dialogue
Lynn Hsu
You Talk A Lot About The Need For More Popcorn
Michael Maslin
You Missed The Part Where She Asks Why He Even
Benjamin Schwartz
Get those things away from me
Harry Bliss
Tune In Next Week
Drew Panckeri
Staying on Top of the Discourse
Ali Solomon
The Quiet Room with the Loudest Food
Asher Perlman
My Folks Back in Nebraska
Johnny DiNapoli