Pier Pressure
John O'Brien
First I set the mood
Drew Dernavich
If you catch a small one
Darrin Bell
New Yorker July 19th, 1993
Jack Ziegler
My Father Had A Saying: 'if You Sell A Man A Fish
Donald Reilly
The Best Places to Suffer
Edward Koren
Enjoy the Fruitcake
Kim Warp
On A Pier, Three Mobsters Prepare To Drown
Frank Cotham
From The Boss's Front Yard
Peter C Vey
Two Mafiosos Stand On The Edge Of A Pier
Christopher Weyant
Accountant To The Fishes
Frank Cotham
Somewhat risk averse
Frank Cotham
Two Mobsters Stand With A Scared Looking Cartoon
Paul Noth
Fixing A Leak - And You?
Tom Cheney
New Yorker February 10th, 1997
Jack Ziegler
Oh, Sweetie, I'm Sorry. I've Been Coming On Like
Edward Koren
New Yorker June 9th, 1986
Stuart Leeds
I'm As Aware Of The Evils Of Communism As Anyone
Donald Reilly
Somebody's Got One
Robert J. Day
If He Says 'any Luck?' I'm Going To Scream
Perry Barlow
Threatening E-mail
Jason Adam Katzenstein
New Yorker September 26, 1994
Warren Miller
When He Reached The End Of The Pier
Frank Cotham
The Thing I Like About New York
Robert Weber
Two Gangsters With A Body In A Tarpaulin Stand
Frank Cotham
Death Approaches Two Mobsters Threatening A Man
Robert Leighton
How Many More Polls?
Peter Kuper