Red Cars Drop Off A Bridge Under A Sign That Says
Michael Crawford
Entering Vermont
Mort Gerberg
New Yorker February 1st, 1993
Henry Martin
The Original Hangs On The New York State Thruway
Peter Porges
A Highway Police Officer Pulls Over And Plays
Jason Adam Katzenstein
A Man On A Low Rider Motorcycle Makes His Way
Kim Warp
Highway Sign -- Caution: Multi-ton Vehicles
Roz Chast
Win The Nobel Prize
David Sipress
A Bride And Groom Are Seen Talking As People
Michael Crawford
New Yorker May 11th, 1992
Dana Fradon
Schadenfreude Next 20 Miles
David Sipress
New Yorker September 20th, 1999
Mort Gerberg
Highway Hi Res
Tommy Siegel
Two Aliens Fly A Saucer Down A Highway
Michael Maslin
A Car Pulls Off A Highway
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker May 17th, 1976
Dana Fradon
Disneyland and Disney World
Warren Miller
Current Odds of Losing Your Temper
Pat Achilles
Zachary Kanin
It Will Be Your Job To Create Major Delays
Frank Cotham
New Yorker December 19th, 2016
Michael Maslin
Entering New York: Beginner
Tom Cheney
Annual Migration Of Novelty Souvenir Snowballs
Stephanie Skalisk
New Yorker March 27th, 1995
Henry Martin
New Yorker January 19th, 1998
Edward Koren
New Yorker February 24th, 1997
Michael Maslin
New Yorker November 10th, 1986
Mischa Richter
New Yorker October 20th, 1986
Warren Miller
Detour: Hole In Ozone Ahead
Dana Fradon
'the Scientific Community Is Divided. Some Say
Mischa Richter
New Yorker August 11th, 1986
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker July 21st, 1986
Ed Arno
'leave Dad AloneNext 200 Miles'
Roz Chast
The Charge Is Driving Without A Tree
Michael Crawford
Trump Flees
Brendan Loper
New Yorker September 30th, 1991
Stuart Leeds
New Yorker January 20th, 1986
Henry Martin
Welcome to the USA
Joe Dator
New Yorker December 1st, 1986
Henry Martin
A Highway Traffic Cop Stops A Drive
Christopher Weyant
'road Rage Highway'
Roz Chast
We Adopted A Highway
Mike Twohy
New Yorker September 27th, 1999
Donald Reilly
New Yorker January 16th, 1978
Saul Steinberg
Welcome To New York
Joe Dator
Slower While You're in it
Paul Noth
You've had your caps lock on for the last ten miles
Joe Dator
A Woman On The Back Of A Motorcycle Talks
Michael Crawford
New Yorker April 27th, 1987
Roz Chast
Wind Resistance
Perry Barlow
You Ask Him For Gas If You Want To. I'd
Richard Decker
Grocery Cloverleaf
John O'Brien
New Yorker April 25th, 1988
Simon Bond
New Yorker March 19th, 1990
Michael Crawford
New Yorker February 22nd, 1999
Christopher Weyant
Thornton, Now That The Children Are Grown
Henry Martin
Your Government At Work Next 100 Miles #1
Christopher Weyant
Third Chance Will Be The Charm
Mike Twohy
New Zoom Backgrounds
Roz Chast
The Fast Lane
JB Handelsman
A License Plate That Reads
Jack Ziegler
A Woman Driving Down The Road Acting
Roz Chast
Passage To Indiana
Jack Ziegler
The Coffee Shop Vats Of New Jersey
Roz Chast
Truck With Sign On Back How's My Texting?
John Klossner
New Yorker June 12th, 2006
John O'Brien
New Yorker September 7th, 2009
Roz Chast
Oh, How I Long For The Days When You Could Flip
William Haefeli
Refugees Fleeing Ethnic Roasting Somewhere
Jack Ziegler
Miami: Home Of The Miami Relatives
Frank Cotham
New Yorker April 30th, 1990
Michael Crawford
New Yorker November 23rd, 1998
Bill Woodman