New Yorker July 26th, 1976
George Booth
Superman Gives His Card To A Woman He Is Saving
Jack Ziegler
Refusing To Use An Oxford Comma
Emily Flake
First, They Do An On-line Search
Arnie Levin
Eating Off The Ground
Harry Bliss and Steve Martin
Page Two, Paragraph Six: The Moral High Ground -
Charles Barsotti
Pull Myself Out of the Hole
Eric Kofman
An In-Ground Moat
Justin Sheen
Who here knows the difference
Darrin Bell
Icarus crashing
Charlie Hankin
Major Tom To Ground Control
John O'Brien
Worms All Over the Place
Sophie Lucido Johnson and Sammi Skolmoski
New Yorker May 31st, 1999
Roz Chast
Restaurant School
Fresh-ground Pepper 101
James Stevenson
Their Flirtation Ground To A Halt
Carolita Johnson
New Yorker January 30th, 1995
John O'Brien
Five-Second Rule
Avi Steinberg
New Yorker April 25th, 1970
Saul Steinberg
Entrance Exam For The Mildred School Of Medicine
Roz Chast
The Five-second Rule Doesnt Apply
Joe Dator and Dan Yaccarino
To Save Money and Waste Time
Avi Steinberg
A Guns Salesman Speaks To A Customer. How Much
Mike Twohy
Room at the Bottom
Tom Cheney
Fetching Faster Than A Speeding Bullet Is Still
Charles Barsotti
It's Such A Nice Day I Think I'll Walk
Peter C. Vey
'spinach: The Prequel'
Peter Mueller
I Had That, Only Worse
Benita Epstein
And The Cloud That's Just Overhead
Charles Barsotti
New Yorker May 31st, 1999 #1
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker November 4th, 1985
James Stevenson
William Steig
Ah, Les Miserables
Bernard Schoenbaum
Seize The Moral High Ground And Refuse To Mention
David Sipress
You're Still Grounded
Ellis Rosen
Eggs On The Ground
JB Handelsman
Gesturing To A Candlestick On The Ground
Bruce Eric Kaplan
I Regard This As Grounds For Optimism
James Stevenson
I filed for divorce on the grounds of mental exhaustion
William Haefeli
Two Farmers Sit Outside Their Hut Staring
Frank Cotham
A Couple Stands On A City Street Where Holiday
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker August 21st, 1943
Alan Dunn
. . . Hits The Left Side Of The Line And Oh
Perry Barlow
We Recommend You Stand Your Guard
Mike Twohy
Out of Excuses
Maddie Dai
Not Mad, Just Disappointed
Maggie Larson
The Candy Thing
Peter C Vey
A Four Million Dollar Watch
Liana Finck
Be Honest
William Haefeli
Dull Peoples Home
JB Handelsman
You Were Really Great Out There!
Frank Cotham
You're Breaking
Michael Crawford
February To March
Saul Steinberg
There's My Wallet - Right Where I Left It
Michael Maslin
By Ned, You're Right, Inspector - The Body
Charles Barsotti
Funny, I'd Just Never Thought To Ask The Board
Charles Barsotti
I Was Dealing With A Dangerous Man Who At Any
Glen Baxter
Earthworms Are Good Guys
Warren Miller
Death In The Afternoon
Bill Woodman
O.k., Mr. Spinelli, You're Up. Now Bank
Jack Ziegler
New Yorker December 15th, 1997 #1
Jack Ziegler
The Ginger Root Got The Promotion Because
Charles Barsotti
New Yorker April 4th, 1994
Al Ross
New Yorker May 28th, 1990
Jack Ziegler
One Thing We Do Share With You - We Both Live
Edward Koren
New Yorker September 19th, 1977
Saul Steinberg
New Yorker September 19th, 1977 #1
Saul Steinberg
New Yorker August 18th, 1986
William Steig
New Yorker August 29th, 1977
Arnie Levin
New Yorker April 11th, 1988
Bernard Schoenbaum
He Didn't Mean To Throw It So Hard
William Steig
To Tell You The Truth
Arnie Levin