The Golden Gate Bridge
Serge Balkin
The Staircase In Mr. And Mrs. Albert
Fred Lyon
Coat On Binoculars
Leonard Nones
House And Garden Exterior
Fred Lyon
Bigger Than The Game
Barry Blitt
Diners Inside The Old Palace Hotel In California
Andre de Dienes
The Gentleman At The End Of The Bar
Travor Spaulding
Cathedral In Plaza Mayor
Horst P. Horst
Gq Cover Of Baseball Player Joe Dimaggio
Leonard Nones
Marina Schiano Wearing A Striped Dress
Henry Clarke
Marina Schiano Wearing A Gingham Dress
Henry Clarke
Gordon Getty's Dining Room
Horst P. Horst
Gordon Getty's Living Room
Horst P. Horst
Denise And Prentis Hale's Entrance Hall
Horst P. Horst
Gordon Getty's Library
Horst P. Horst
Hale's Outdoor Dining Table
Horst P. Horst
Denise Hale On Her Patio
Horst P. Horst
Conspiracy into a Championship
Nathan Cooper
If San Francisco Was The Rome Of The Sixties
William Hamilton
Refettorio San Francisco
Carlos Chavarria
House Designed By Jean Hale In San Francisco
Fred Lyon
Men On A Boat In The San Francisco Bay
Bob Stone
Mrs. George Pope In A Department Store
George Platt Lynes
An inside inside inside inside inside job
Lars Kenseth
Cher Holding Out The Hem Of A Tent-shaped Dress
Arnaud de Rosnay
I'm Always Afraid
John Klossner
Murdered on a Monday
Robert Leighton
The All Star Game
Tom Toro